Thursday, July 26, 2007

(Interactive Whiteboards promote blended learning as they allow integration of different media like auido, video, animation, web,text etc and also offer e-assessment of students.)

Blended Learning or Hybrid learning is the combination of different modes of delivery, different styles and models of learning like skill driven learning, attitude driven learning, competency driven learning, e learning and traditional classroom learning. It enables learners face to face interaction with the instructors and at the same time provides the benefit of e learning like anywhere, any time learning and self paced learning. Blended learning can also combine e-mentoring, e-tutoring or m-learning (i.e. mobile learning) with other educational resources.

Blended learning is best for a organization's training program as each individual is different and different individuals require different mode of delivery method. Training programs powered with blended learning improves performance of the employees at the work place. Improved performance leads to higher productivity and higher productivity eventually leads to higher sales and profit.

Classification of Blended learning:

1) Learning through information
2) Learning through interaction
3) Learning through collaboration
4) Learning through classroom experiences

Usage of Blended learning techniques in schools
Schools have been using blended learning for ages in one form or the other:

i) Audio tapes used to record/listen

ii) Multimedia Presentation of a project

iii) usage of Text books, e-books

iv) usage of Black board, charts, maps, diagram

V) laboratory experiments

vi) Theater, historic re-enactment

vii) usage of Computers, laptop, notebooks, PDA, projector

viii) examinations, tests, quizzes, seminars, debate


Interactive whiteboards and blended learning

LCD Projectors India and Hybrid learning

Electronic whiteboards and blended learning

Audience response system and Hybrid learning

Classroom of the future and blended learning